Fanclub MMORPG Tarisland


Tarisland Class Preview:Priest

"Our faith is not merely a spiritual pillar but also a source of power. Through the ages and across realms, we shall unwaveringly offer aid, wielding our prayers and the energy of healing to instill hope within the hearts of troubled souls."

The Mighty Power of Faith

The faith of humanity has endured since days of old, though they have never truly witnessed the visage of God. Yet, their devout hymns have already reaped blessings of the divine. Within sacred halls, priest pray with gentle words and perform holy rituals for divine protection and blessings.

Amidst the ravages of war, priests fear not the fierce onslaught of the enemy. With the power of God as their shield, they heal the wounded, bestowing upon them divine strength. In the ever-changing and merciless battlefield, on the brink of despair, the power of faith becomes particularly potent.

Healing All with the Power Of Faith

The power of a priest is rooted in unwavering faith, an ethereal strength that bestows not only healing and protection upon allies but also weaves spells of fortification that augment their prowess, delivering a resolute strike against their foes.

In the heat of battle, as comrades endure hardship, the priest swiftly lends aid, mending their wounds and fortifying their resolve. Wise allies, attuned to their surroundings, grasp the importance of harmonizing with the priest's cadence, forging a favorable environment. Such unity and harmonious accord amplify their endurance in the throes of sustained combat, empowering them to confront formidable foes with unwavering composure.

Redemption or Judgment? - The Oracles

Devout belief endows the priest with mighty power. The Faith Priest, akin to the divine, not only unleash formidable offensive prowess but also bestow blessings upon comrades, fortifying their spirits; Conversely, the Prayer Priest stands as holy guardians over their party, their sacred incantations weave restorative magic to uphold the team's valor on the battlefield. After all, one must be alive to contribute effectively.

As adventurers venture forth to embrace the calling of a priest, the Inscribed Stone will resonate and transforms. Through channeling of the divine essence, the priest gains the ability to unleash a surge of formidable energy from the stone, invoking its ancient power amidst the trials of battle...

Prayer Specialization

The Prayer Priest is an omnipotent healer, and after mastering the accumulation of Holy Wings, the Prayer Priest can provide even greater restorative capabilities to the team.

The priest has the ability to channel the radiant light of the Holy Spirit, enveloping the land and restoring the life force of allies. Additionally, the priest can employ the power of the Holy Spirit to shield teammates, reducing the damage inflicted upon them. With the potent healing and damage reduction bestowed by the priest, the team becomes infused with unending vitality, even amidst the throes of arduous battle, revealing the dawn of victory.

The Prayer Priest has the option to specialize in the Blessing talent. This specialization increases the base healing amount of Blessing and further strengthens its effects when cast consecutively. When Blessing causes a critical hit, it grants a temporary overall healing increase. As an instant-cast skill, it is an ideal choice for battles that require frequent repositioning. The Blessing talent becomes the best choice in such situations.

In situations where positional demands are less stringent, it is wiser to replace Blessing with Oracle. Oracle requires an incantation to cast but yields higher amounts of healing. By coordinating with the Spectrum, The Oracle skill can be momentarily transfigured into an instant cast, reducing its mana cost. This specialization suits battles that do not demand frequent repositioning but entail substantial healing demands.

Faith Specialization

They possess the wondrous gift to unleash the radiant might of the Faith upon their foes, inflicting grievous wounds. Additionally, they can imbue their comrades with the essence of faith, bestowing upon them haste and augmenting their attack buffs.

The Faith Priest can enhance the Agony Trial skill to increase its sustained damage.While the target bears the Agony Trial debuffs, the Faith Priest can coordinate with the Spectrum causing the accumulation of Sigils and the damage of Holy Missile to be increased. Due to the requirement of maintaining the effect on the target inflicted by the Agony Trial skill, this talent finds greater aptitude in battles where frequent target switching is not required.

Alternatively, adventurers can replace Agony Trial with Pain Trial, transforming the sustained damage into multiple direct strikes. During the Holy Power Burst phase, damage dealt by Pain Trial will be further amplified the Agony Trial skill has a chance to increase Faith Sigils, triggering Soul Faith more quickly.

Overall, this talent is characterized by simpler operation and greater resilience as there is no need to maintain a continuous damaging effect on the target.

Embark on a journey through the talent tree, discovering thrilling new paths to allocate your talent points! Each adventurer may forge their own path guided by their battle inclinations and unearth a trove of diverse playstyles.

In addition to talent skills, the priest can also select from a variety of Ultimate techniques, such as mobility enhancement, shield, knockback, dispel, interrupt, and speed reduction, based on the demands of battle. According to the specialization and different combat requirements, the priest can turn the tide of battle and seize an unexpected victory with the most suitable Ultimate.

Despite the priest has completely different abilities in healing, damage output, and team buffs, the gentle prayer and the unwavering Faith Priest will forever bring hope to the teams. The divine belief the priest holds is not merely a spiritual pillar but also a force that can overcome darkness and evil. The priest wields this power relentlessly, punishing wickedness and safeguarding justice, until the radiant light of the Holy Spirit envelops the entirety of Tarisland.

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